Spring is a time of anticipation. We are impatient for warmer days, more sunshine, flowers blooming, trees blossoming, and beginning our gardens. It is a time of renewal, cleaning out, and being inspired. Anticipation is high as we come out of hibernation and make plans for the coming months. Our neighbors haven’t been seen much during the past cold months, but as the weather improves, they will start to emerge as well. This year will be the first after a couple of long Covid years, that we may anticipate being together a little more. Covid is still around, but we have weathered the storm and hopefully have seen the worst of the pandemic. Time to learn our new normal.
Spring is also a chance to retreat. I am preparing for the next Lakeside retreat, April 29 - May 1, to share time and community with a group of women ready to find strength from their past and embrace the lives they have. The anticipation is part of the experience for me, and hopefully, for them as well. An email communicates with each retreater on a weekly basis during the last month as we prepare to share this special time together.
Please consider sharing with me here, or in a personal email, what you are anticipating this spring. Your ideas may be the inspiration someone else is looking for. It is time to stretch our bodies and our minds as we step out of hibernation and into the sunshine and beauty ahead. I look forward to hearing from each of you.