April is Here

Welcome to April, the time in Ohio for the flowers to burst into bloom, trees bud, birds sing and we start leaving our cocoons to be part of the beauty of nature. Warmer weather cannot come soon enough this year. It is time for us to stretch our bodies, and allow our minds to wander and marvel at the beauty all around us. In this time of corona virus, anything to keep our minds and bodies active and positive is welcome. In Ohio we are fortunate to have Mike DeWine and Amy Acton working on our behalf, but even so, this is a very stressful time. Instead of looking at what we cannot do, we are better served looking at what we can do, stretching our minds forward, and enjoying today. The excerpts from the following poem remind us of the value of today. Make the best of each day in this unfinished world we live in.

A NEW DAY  by  Heartsill Wilson

This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been given this day to use as I will.

I can waste it, or use it.
I can make it a day long to be remembered for its joy,
its beauty and its achievements,
or it can be filled with worry and concern.

What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever,
but I shall hold something which I have traded for it.

It may be no more than a memory,
but if it is a worthy one I shall not regret the price.
