
“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” (Lauren DeStefano) I agree with Lauren, as I feel alive walking the nature trails near my home this time of year. I feel invigorated marveling at the beauty of nature. I look forward to wearing a jacket, as heat has worn me out. The squirrels are busy collecting nuts and I see the farmers busy harvesting their crops as I drive down country roads. Preparing for the winter ahead. It’s time to start using seasonal recipes to include apples, pumpkin, stews and chili. Autumn reminds us that the only constant is change and change happens everywhere and to everyone. The amount of daylight and night-time are similar in length as nature shows us the need for balance. Take some time this fall to work on the balance in your life.