This is the time of year for celebrations. So many holidays upon us, lots of parties and events to host or attend. It started with Thanksgiving last month and goes through New Years a few weeks away. No matter your religion or age, there is something to celebrate in the last two months of each year.
My husband and I attended a ceremony last weekend for one of our grandsons as he completed all the Cub Scout requirements and crossed over the bridge to Boy Scouts. The bridge had planks with each of the twelve points of the Boy Scout Law for them to walk over. Each boy who crossed the bridge was reminded that Boy Scouts are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. These fifth graders walked away from being led by adults to becoming responsible for their own decisions and the direction they will go in scouting. Great life lessons.
Two of our grandchildren are in bands and there have been holiday celebrations for each of them this month. A chance to show all they have learned and celebrate with the family they love. The smiles on each face during a concert tells it all.
A group of women I have been part of for almost 30 years will be at my home tonight to celebrate Christmas. We will share memories, good food, and laughter. I look forward to this evening every year. How comforting to have a group of women who are there for each other no matter what.
Earlier this month my husband and I attended a memorial service for a very dear friend. Usually a somber affair, this one was truly a celebration of his life with songs by a choir with over 40 voices who knew him. The memories shared during the service were heartfelt and spoke of the kind person he was. He lived what he believed - that today is a gift and each of us gets to enjoy each ray of sunlight we see and every happy hour we share with friends. All of us can take a lesson from how he led his life - slow to anger, easy to smile, full of laughter, and always up for the next adventure. Being part of his life helps remind me there is always something to celebrate.
There are small celebrations that make a difference as well. The sun shining this morning brought a smile to my face. Waking up in a warm bed, feeling rested, having that first cup of coffee (or tea, in my case). If the season has you feeling down, think of the small things that are in your life - there is always something there to celebrate, or at least put a smile on your face. This can be a difficult season for so many. Consider ways you may warm someone’s heart you know. Make a phone call, send a text, take a tray of cookies to them, listen. Life is too short not to find those moments. Wishing you peace, love, and joy as this year draws to an end.