Fall is here in Ohio. Not sure where the summer went. We are used to having a second summer at some point after the chill hits the air, but this year I came back from 90 degree Texas weather to cool fall weather in the middle of September that hasn’t left. Autumn is my favorite season but somehow this year it arrived too quickly with its crisp air and colorful leaves.
I enjoyed my travels to New Jersey and Texas last month. It was fun to see people I hadn’t seen in over 50 years at my high school reunion in New Jersey, to reconnect, to spend a little time with classmates, even some I never really got to know. Amazing what life does - we had a common bond, our high school years, and that was enough to have 24 hours of connection. All that time in between had melted away. We filled in the gaps since 1970 as if it had been just a couple of years. My heart was full and our time together brought back wonderful memories, stories, and even new friendships.
My trip to Texas was a time for family, to watch my niece, a two year old when I was married in 1997, as she walked down the aisle to share her vows with her best friend as he became her husband. She was a beautiful bride and they are a wonderful couple. I cherish the time I had with my mother who was beautiful as grandmother of the bride. Her eyes sparkled with love for her granddaughter and our family as she watched the ceremony and stayed for the entire reception.
Change. It’s all around us. Classmates age even if we don’t see them for 50 years. Our families grows up to start the next generation as the previous generations start to slow down. The trees lose their leaves in preparation for the coming seasons. We must celebrate the changes in our lives, no matter how small or large. Everything has a time, and a purpose. I am in the autumn of my life - a serene, beautiful spot to be in. I savor the freedom I have at this age, the ability to be active, to mostly do what I want to do, to have the joy of children and grandchildren, of nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, old friends and new friends, to still have my mother. When we accept the changes, we are able to enjoy what life offers today. We can take time to consider what’s in our hearts as we become still and listen.
I hope it is a long autumn - both this year and in my life. Who knows how long either will be. All I know is that autumn is here today, and that is worth celebrating. Stay curious and keep stretching forward - it’s the best direction to travel.