Love is a Circle

We are half way through February. Spring is getting closer. Valentine’s Day just passed. Were you good to yourself for that day of love? Were you kind, patient, and understanding of who you are today? Have you learned to appreciate silence and just be? A friend invited me to attend a Spirituali-Tea today as her guest. The presentation was given by Sister Rita Petruziello, CSJ, one of the founders of Rivers Edge on the west side of Cleveland. She spoke on the importance of love, how we love each other, and the need to love ourselves. She spoke on the benefit of silence in our daily lives. It allows us to just be. To rest, reconnect with ourselves, to help us be creative. She also spoke of how in 2016 she started the Circle the City with Love movement in Cleveland. The movement’s mission is “to stand together holding hands in silence and embodying the power of LOVE that brings healing, peace, and justice to our world.” Once a year for four years, men and women have stood on the Hope Bridge in silence for 30 minutes. What a moving experience, to be in silence. It allows the busyness and chatter of our life to melt away and allows love to seep in. Consider being open to a chance to replenish your gifts, to feel the joy we deserve. Give yourself the same care you give your loved ones. Take time daily to just be, to be silent, to listen, to breathe.
