A glitch in the plans . . .

I started this week with a cold that started out slowly but has become a major inconvenience. I don’t feel well now. It is a holiday weekend, and I have been looking forward to having my daughter and granddaughter here for the weekend to share in the celebration of my son’s birthday. At first I thought I could kick the cold by slowing down, drinking lots of fluids, and resting. After all, it’s just a cold. I’m sure it’s helped, but the cold had a mind of its own. I took a Covid test on Tuesday, and again today, to make sure I wouldn’t be giving Covid to the family. Since one of my granddaughters recently had strep, I also went to my physician’s office for a strep culture. All were negative. Good news and bad news. There is no medication I can take to get better faster. But I am still contagious. I have been looking forward to this weekend for a long time and hated to cancel our plans, but felt it was in everyone’s best interest. So, no birthday celebration and no visit.

We never know what tomorrow will bring. How do you react when something happens you hadn’t planned on? Are you angry? Sad? Do you take it in stride, or do you take it out on the people around you? How can you be patient with yourself and your circumstances? I am disappointed, but know taking care of myself is more important right now. We will celebrate Alex’s birthday another day, our family will be back to visit when we are all healthy and can have fun together. So for now, I am sleeping, resting, reading, drinking lots of tea, and being gentle with myself. My family is very understanding and loving. I look forward to when I feel better. I hope you are taking care of yourselves as we enjoy the last few weeks of spring, anticipating all the fun summer will bring. Looking forward to fun months ahead with patience.