Spring teasers

March is here, the month spring officially arrives. We have had more sunshine in the Cleveland area recently than we are used to this time of year. The daffodils are even peaking out of the soil. I met my daughter at Kingwood Gardens in Mansfield, Ohio earlier this week. It was a chilly but sunny day. A few daffodils smiled at us even though they seemed to be all by themselves, waiting for others to join them in an explosion of color. Beneath the brown stems and rich soil we saw, spring is getting ready to awe us. The winter has provided rest and nourishment for the perennials, the shrubs, and the trees. Soon they will share their beauty with us. Inside the greenhouses we saw such diverse beauty in so many different flowering plants. The world is awakening for all of our senses. We are like the garden. Winter arrives and we hibernate for a bit. Maybe we enjoy a cup of tea with a good book. Maybe we take time to simplify our lives before the nice weather lures us out doors again. What are you looking forward to this spring? Take a minute to reflect on the past few months before you stretch forward into all the colors and joys of spring.