It’s been a month since I last blogged. My life has been full. I was able to visit my mother last month, in Austin, Texas. It was good to be with her for a week. I know that our time together is limited which makes each visit very special. I enjoyed meeting her new friends and just being with her. A few days after I returned home, my husband and I drove to North Carolina to celebrate our youngest grandchild’s baptism and have Thanksgiving with more family. What a special time for all of us. Since then, we have been home. It looks like we will be cocooning again for the next several months. Covid has started to increase in numbers. Don’t let it scare you. Take each day as it comes. As a nurse, I know the importance of good hand washing, wearing masks when around people, and using social distance. Whether you are vaccinated or not, all of that is good practice. We might consider these measures even after we are through Covid as winter brings flu, GI upsets, and pneumonia, among other maladies. To continue to stretch forward, we just need to be careful. Go about your day to day living and remember to wash your hands. My mom always asked us to wash our hands when we came indoors after playing and before we sat down to eat a meal. She knew then and still knows today it’s importance. May you have a wonderful holiday season, no matter which holidays you celebrate. And always remember what your mother told you.