Leaves are Peaking

It is November and the leaves in Ohio are just starting to peak, having prolonged our autumn days. The sun is shining and instead of cloudy fall days, we have had delightful color-filled days. My husband and I took an hour hike into the woods off the beaten path over the weekend. Our senses were alive and memories of our childhoods came racing back, a time when our only worries were how much play time we would have. Your autumn may look different than mine. Some towns have only evergreens and don’t have the option to enjoy a rainbow of color that can be found in the northern states. If that is where you live, do you enjoy the photos friends post from other areas of the world? I enjoy the warm beach scenes from others. What a delight to have different views of this month.

Raking will come in a couple of weeks, but for now, nature is showing us how beautiful it can be to let go. Change is coming, as it does every fall. Think about how you are changing as you enjoy nature’s paint brush. Change happens so slowly that we may not be aware of what is happening moment by moment. When you look back years from now, you will be amazed. FaceBook often provides me with memories that take me back many years to view some of my changes. Take time today to savor what autumn has to offer each of us and contemplate this time in your life. What did you discover?