Standing on the Shoulders

As September comes to an end, we remember some of the strong women we lost this month. Helen Reddy, the woman who gave us “I Am Woman,” a 70’s anthem that ends with “Yes, I’ve paid the price but look how much I’ve gained . . . I can do anything, I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, a champion for women’s rights and someone who epitomized Helen’s song. One of my favorite RBG quotes is “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” We all need to remember, one step at a time. A third loss in September was Esther McCready, a name you may not know. Esther became a nurse at my alma mater, the University of Maryland School of Nursing, in 1950 after she won her law suit and became the first black woman at UM. I can imagine RBG studying her case in law school and knowing her purpose even then. This year is the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in America. Something we take for granted today. Each of these women found their purpose. We need to remember and honor all of the women whose shoulders we stand on. We all have a purpose, one that would make them proud.

I am excited to lead the next retreat this month, Finding Purpose Today, with women who are ready to examine the gifts they offer the world. It’s a perfect time to reflect on who each of us is as we stretch forward each and every day, unfinished women with a purpose.
