
The fall equinox happened this week. It is when the sun crosses the earth's equator, making night and day of the same length on that day. A true balance of light and darkness. A reminder of the importance of balance in our lives. The days are getting shorter and soon it will be dark at dinner time as we coast into winter. Today, we can embrace the balance we have and look for other places to find it. A time to tend our gardens, put away outdoor furniture, and plant bulbs that will bloom in spring. Squirrels are hoarding nuts falling from the trees and small animals are looking for their cold weather homes. As we take time to nest and prepare, remember the importance of taking care of yourself. Find the balance in each day.

Finding Purpose Today, an online one-day retreat will be held October 5 and October 10. Personalized care packages will be going out in the mail by the end of this week for those registered to attend. More information may be found under Upcoming Retreat. The pandemic has changed the way we do things and made balance even more important. I am excited for the women who will be sharing the retreat with me as we explore the gifts we have. As Anne Morrow Lindbergh said, “For if it is a woman’s nature to nurture, then she must nourish herself.” A chance to embrace the balance this time of year offers us.
