Almost Retreat Time!

October 1 will be here next week. There are only three weeks until a special group of women share the Idlewyld b&b with me for Celebrate What’s Right With Your World starting October 18. I have been preparing for a week or so now, and the more I prepare, the more excited I become. My daughter was here from Columbus this week to help me and as I opened boxes and made plans, she shared my enthusiasm. Each retreat is different because each group of women bring their own joy with them. I enjoy watching the group come together as I believe the women who attend are meant to be there. This fall I have had to place women on a waiting list as the parlor will be full. I wish I had more space, so may start looking for the future. 

If you’ve never tried a retreat, open your horizons and consider joining us in 2025. Which ever retreat you choose, you will learn something new about yourself, and your world, while having fun, meeting new people, savoring delicious home cooked meals, and experiencing new adventures. As Joan Anderson says, we continue to be “unfinished women.” And how wonderful is that!