September 2020 has arrived. I believe that out of all we are going through, growth will occur. For the world, our country, and for ourselves. I hope you are taking time to reflect during the pandemic and looking for ways to nurture yourself and continue stretching forward. Labor Day seemed so far away when summer began in June and is now history. Summer found us having fewer picnics and barbecues, less visiting family and entertaining. Vacations were reimagined. Parades, indoor music venues, and indoor church services were cancelled. Somehow, though, the past three months have been full. There have been flowers blooming to enjoy on daily walks, quiet dinners in the backyard, a few socially distanced intimate gathering and sunsets to savor. Church has become a drive-in, music is shared outdoors in large fields, and conversations with neighbors continue at six foot distance. We are resilient: as women, as individuals, as Americans, and as citizens of the world. We will survive, and even thrive. We have a purpose.
Retreats have been revised as well. Thanks to twenty-first century technology, we can enjoy an online gathering and stay safe. The October retreat will provide us a chance to be together visually, to contemplate our purpose, to reflect through journaling, to be in community. Finding Purpose Today will provide all of this as we prepare for the fall and oncoming winter. We have a reason to be in this world which is often put aside as we focus on day to day living. It’s time to re-examine your purpose and bring more joy into your life. Please consider joining us on October 5 or October 10 for a one-day online retreat. As a bonus for registering before September 20, a personalized care package will be delivered to your home with resources to enhance your retreat experience. More details are available if you click UPCOMING RETREAT at the top of this page.