In Northern Ohio, we have days of warm weather that feel more like May or June and they are mixed with our typical cooler, wetter days. When the warm days come, it is time to open up all the windows, take a walk in the sunshine without a jacket, and just savor: the sunshine, the budding trees, the flowering bulbs, the chirping birds. Today it is 77 degrees. Tomorrow might find us back in the 40’s with rain. Less than a week ago, we had snow that lingered for a couple of days. No matter the weather, the calendar says April is here. I remember last April when we were already tiring of the pandemic, thankfully having no idea of what was ahead. All winter we were impatient for spring to appear, and now it is here. Social distancing, hand washing, and face masks have not disappeared, but a year later we have added testing and immunization to what we can do to bring life back to a more “normal.” It is time to clean house - both where we live and where our thoughts are. Every year the seasons arrive, no matter what else is going on in the world. We can count on that. On Sunday we had one of our five children and his family over for a fun afternoon that included hunting for eggs and sharing a real dinner in our dining room on my mother’s china. Watching our young grandchildren run and play and laugh was the best medicine we could have. Let’s continue believing we can get past this with caution, and precautions, and science, and love. We are on the home stretch - continue going forward.