What the World Needs Now

It’s the second week of January 2021. We were so happy to close the book on 2020, but so far, this year has started with even more issues. We are living in a world full of stress that keeps us awake at night. I believe Jackie DeShannon got it right back in 1965 when she sang, “What the World Needs Now is Love.”

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some, but for everyone

Love for everyone. Our friends, our foes, those we don’t understand. We can make a difference, one person at a time by showing kindness, generosity, patience, and love. By believing. I live outside of Cleveland, Ohio and cheered on Sunday as the Browns won against the Pittsburgh Steelers for the second time in two weeks. In a good year, that would have been unbelievable. But this year, this game, the Browns were missing four wide receivers and five coaches, including their head coach, due to Covid-19. Our team was playing against a quarterback who didn’t play the week before to get ready for this game. The Browns hadn’t won a playoff game in twenty-five years. But each player and each coach believed. They knew that if they did their best, and everyone around them did too, they could be victorious. It was a spectacular game. If only our country could take to heart what can be done with patience, love, determination, belief, and teamwork. As a country, as a part of this world, we too cannot give up. Each one of us matters and each one of us makes a difference.

If you have lost your focus, consider joining us on February 6 for an online one-day retreat, Finding Purpose Today. It’s time to bring back our hope, to believe in ourselves, to be resilient.


Winter Solstice

Today, December 21, is the winter solstice. It happens every year. The longest amount of darkness with the shortest number of daylight minutes. In Ohio, the sun came up this morning at 7:51 am and will set at 5:01 pm, only 10 hours and 10 minutes of daylight.  It is the day we turn the corner and know that there will be more light tomorrow.  It also marks the point in time where “the generative and creative powers of our universe start to return and grow again.”

This month, many of us celebrate religious holidays including Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.  These holidays recognize new birth, light in a dark world, unity, purpose, hope, and rededication. Spiritually, this time of year symbolizes the chance for renewal, a time to shed bad habits, negative thoughts and feelings.  A time to embrace hope as things get brighter. The light that comes from these holidays in the midst of the darkness brings optimism for the days ahead.  We come to the end of this year with new vaccines for Covid-19 and plans to be together soon with those we have missed.  We must stay patient.

Each year the winter solstice comes with a promise that the next day will be brighter.  Take time to light a candle in the dark tonight to represent the return of light to our world.  Consider clearing out what is no longer needed and make space for what is to come. If we embrace a spirit of unity, compassion, and optimism, we can begin to forgive and collaborate.  We can reconcile our political differences and once again find compromise.  The winter solstice reminds us that our universe is constantly changing, and, just like us, stretching forward every day.  



Thanksgiving has come and gone. Many of us celebrated with only those who live with us, missing so many dear family members and friends thanks to the pandemic. Even so, there is so much to be thankful for. I flew home from Austin on March 3 after visiting my mother, not realizing that it would be the last of my quarterly visits for a long time. We talk almost every day, and I try to FaceTime her once a week. I am sad to not see her in person, but grateful she is safe and able to care for herself. My husband and I miss all of our children and grandchildren. We are grateful there is love in their homes and that they are staying safe. We hope that our staying away will allow us all to celebrate special events together for years to come. Our hearts are full of gratitude for all that we do have and the technology that connects us with our family from a distance.

I am also thankful for all of you. Offering the first online retreat in October stretched me forward. What a joy to have ten women join me for a day of reflection. With their encouragement, the retreat will be offered again on February 6. If you haven’t tried a retreat before, consider giving this one on Zoom a try. Finding Purpose Today is a personal retreat in the comfort and safety of your own home. Take a few minutes and read the testimonials on a separate page on this website. I am happy to answer any questions you might have.

Today, take some time to be grateful for what is good in your life, whether big or small and savor it all. Consider the “To-Do” list below, always remembering to breathe. You are worth it.


Falling Leaves

Northeast Ohio has had a record number of days in the 70s in the first ten days this month. The sun has been warm and nudges me outdoors. One of my favorite fall memories growing up in Indianapolis was that of my father raking the leaves into big piles and then he would let us jump in them. The rustling of the dry leaves surrounded my brothers and me. Back then dad would pile the leaves into the street then burn them. It was fascinating to watch as he controlled the flames. In today’s world, we don’t burn leaves, but we do rake them into tall piles for our cities to pick up. I took a walk in the Metropark this week, and strolled off the path to shuffle through the leaves once again. I savored the smells and sounds as I watched leaves fall, one at a time, slowly dancing their way to the ground. We all shed leaves as we move ahead in life. Take a walk this week and remember when you were 5 or 10 years old. The seasons are here to teach us. We just have to keep stretching forward.

RR Park Oct 20.jpg

October Retreats

It’s the middle of October, my favorite month. The leaves are turning brilliant colors this year, the air is crisp and fresh, and the blue skies show off the white fluffy clouds. Perfect weather for a retreat. It’s been a week since the first (and second) on-line retreat for Stretching Forward. I wasn’t sure if a virtual offering would be effective, as there is something special about being together in a room, being away from home overnight. What I found was that each retreat is a unique experience and we found a circle of women in community. Thank you to all the women who were willing to give Zoom a try. We were able to be together even though our computers were sitting in eleven different rooms in five states: Ohio, Missouri, New York, North Carolina and Virginia. In this age of pandemic and a world in turmoil, women came together to examine the gifts each of us offers the world, and in doing so, found a common bond. It was heart warming to see everyone on the screen and to listen as they shared a bit of who they are. Finding Purpose Today provided a respite from all that 2020 has been dishing up. My hope for all of you is to keep stretching forward. The world needs each of us.

Please feel free to leave any comments below.

Please feel free to leave any comments below.

Standing on the Shoulders

As September comes to an end, we remember some of the strong women we lost this month. Helen Reddy, the woman who gave us “I Am Woman,” a 70’s anthem that ends with “Yes, I’ve paid the price but look how much I’ve gained . . . I can do anything, I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman.” Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, a champion for women’s rights and someone who epitomized Helen’s song. One of my favorite RBG quotes is “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” We all need to remember, one step at a time. A third loss in September was Esther McCready, a name you may not know. Esther became a nurse at my alma mater, the University of Maryland School of Nursing, in 1950 after she won her law suit and became the first black woman at UM. I can imagine RBG studying her case in law school and knowing her purpose even then. This year is the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in America. Something we take for granted today. Each of these women found their purpose. We need to remember and honor all of the women whose shoulders we stand on. We all have a purpose, one that would make them proud.

I am excited to lead the next retreat this month, Finding Purpose Today, with women who are ready to examine the gifts they offer the world. It’s a perfect time to reflect on who each of us is as we stretch forward each and every day, unfinished women with a purpose.



The fall equinox happened this week. It is when the sun crosses the earth's equator, making night and day of the same length on that day. A true balance of light and darkness. A reminder of the importance of balance in our lives. The days are getting shorter and soon it will be dark at dinner time as we coast into winter. Today, we can embrace the balance we have and look for other places to find it. A time to tend our gardens, put away outdoor furniture, and plant bulbs that will bloom in spring. Squirrels are hoarding nuts falling from the trees and small animals are looking for their cold weather homes. As we take time to nest and prepare, remember the importance of taking care of yourself. Find the balance in each day.

Finding Purpose Today, an online one-day retreat will be held October 5 and October 10. Personalized care packages will be going out in the mail by the end of this week for those registered to attend. More information may be found under Upcoming Retreat. The pandemic has changed the way we do things and made balance even more important. I am excited for the women who will be sharing the retreat with me as we explore the gifts we have. As Anne Morrow Lindbergh said, “For if it is a woman’s nature to nurture, then she must nourish herself.” A chance to embrace the balance this time of year offers us.


Finding Purpose Today

September 2020 has arrived. I believe that out of all we are going through, growth will occur. For the world, our country, and for ourselves. I hope you are taking time to reflect during the pandemic and looking for ways to nurture yourself and continue stretching forward. Labor Day seemed so far away when summer began in June and is now history. Summer found us having fewer picnics and barbecues, less visiting family and entertaining. Vacations were reimagined. Parades, indoor music venues, and indoor church services were cancelled. Somehow, though, the past three months have been full. There have been flowers blooming to enjoy on daily walks, quiet dinners in the backyard, a few socially distanced intimate gathering and sunsets to savor. Church has become a drive-in, music is shared outdoors in large fields, and conversations with neighbors continue at six foot distance. We are resilient: as women, as individuals, as Americans, and as citizens of the world. We will survive, and even thrive. We have a purpose.

Retreats have been revised as well. Thanks to twenty-first century technology, we can enjoy an online gathering and stay safe. The October retreat will provide us a chance to be together visually, to contemplate our purpose, to reflect through journaling, to be in community. Finding Purpose Today will provide all of this as we prepare for the fall and oncoming winter. We have a reason to be in this world which is often put aside as we focus on day to day living. It’s time to re-examine your purpose and bring more joy into your life. Please consider joining us on October 5 or October 10 for a one-day online retreat. As a bonus for registering before September 20, a personalized care package will be delivered to your home with resources to enhance your retreat experience. More details are available if you click UPCOMING RETREAT at the top of this page.

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Savoring Summer

August is more than half over. The last full month of summer. Time seems to be flying by when we look at how long we have been dealing with the pandemic. Spring became summer and fall will soon be here. Even though we are staying safe with social distancing, face masks and good hand washing, we need to savor what we do have. Savoring means that we take our time when we use our senses. We pay attention to what we see, what we hear, and what we smell. We linger at a beautiful sight, watch the waves on the shore, listen to the birds sing, and smell the flowers. My favorite walks have been those in our local parks. I enjoy the ponds and rivers in the MetroParks and the shore of Lake Erie. Sitting by the water calms me and provides time for contemplation. Taking that time to savor has given me time to notice that nature is one thing in our lives that is still the same. The leaves are green, the flowers have bloomed, and the weather has been warm. Sunsets have been beautiful. At the pond, the goslings are growing up and will soon be on their own. Taking each day as it comes and savoring what is there, using your senses, each season has its beauty and can bring peace to each of us.

As we enjoy the last days of summer, I am currently working on the online retreat for October 5 & 10. I am excited to share time with many of you for one day, to care for ourselves, to appreciate fall and prepare for the winter ahead. We deserve to savor our time together. If you have any questions, please contact me.



August is almost here and we are adapting to our new way of living.   Ready to have this pandemic over, we are learning that Covid-19 has its own timeline.  Our new normal is taking some getting used to.  I remember a conversation I had with my father during one of my most difficult times as I was learning my new normal.  He didn’t usually initiate emotional conversations with me so I was surprised when he said that he was sorry I had wasted a year of my life.  My response to him was that the year hadn't been wasted.  That only if I hadn't learned anything during that time would it have been wasted.  I hoped I had learned so many lessons. My answer surprised him and even myself.   I have reflected on those words lately, spending time the last several months reflecting on my purpose and savoring the small moments as they arrive, sometimes unexpectedly.  The pandemic has changed our routines and it is important to find gratitude in our daily living as we learn the lessons offered.  Each day is precious.  

I believe that out of all we are going through, growth will occur.  For the world, our country, and for ourselves.  I hope you are taking time to reflect during the pandemic and looking for ways to nurture yourself and continue stretching forward.

With Lakeside retreats not being an option this year I have thought about what we can do to stretch forward.  We are still unfinished women seeking purpose for our future.  This is a time that can be used to enrich our lives.  Join me in October for an online retreat, FINDING PURPOSE TODAY.  We will explore ways to move forward with inspiration, gratitude, and purpose. More information may be found by clicking the Upcoming Retreat tab above.



July is here! We are half way through the year 2020 and it would be nice to breathe a sign of relief, to get back to “normal.” It seems, however, that we are still in the midst of the pandemic with infection rates at an all time high. This weekend we in the United States will be celebrating the Fourth of July. It will be different this year, but we need to remember what the holiday is all about. The Declaration of Independence states that we are endowed “with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

We celebrate living in a country that believes in freedom. We remember our forefathers who fought to provide us the chance to be who we want to be. As a woman in her 60’s, it means that I am not relegated to a rocking chair to just sit back and watch the world go by. It means we can make our own choices. We can search for our purpose every day and then go for it. We can reflect on the growth that is happening to our world, our country and to each of us. We can continue to pursue happiness.

I hope you are enjoying the warmth of summer and taking advantage of the sun and long days. It is what we have today. This weekend celebrate all that you are, and all that you have to be thankful for. An article I read said “the greatest illusion is that life should be perfect.” Focus on what you love now, who you have in your life to love. The greatest freedom we have is how we react to things around us. So, be kind to yourself and celebrate today. This storm will pass.


Our World

This year has already been full of unanticipated events around the world changing life for all of us.  It has reminded me that we are all one on this earth.   I remember when my universe consisted only of the street I lived on as a little girl.  As I grew up, my circle became larger and larger.  Thanks to technology today we are able to see and talk to people all over this earth without traveling.   The pandemic has affected many countries and racism is not just an American problem.  The bond we feel with our fellow humans worldwide is strong.

At the beginning of each year I choose a word to guide me for the year ahead.  For 2020 I chose the word, BELIEVE.  What an appropriate word for all of us today.  As our year progresses, my thoughts on its meaning have changed and I have stretched forward from what I need to believe in to what we all can aspire towards. 

I spent three days last week attending a virtual seminar on how to plan and offer a virtual retreat.  In my mind, the word retreat describes people coming together in a physical space away from their everyday living to take time to get away from it all, to renew and refresh.  A time for reflection in a location that provides peace and serenity.  Women still need to be together, even in the midst of a pandemic.  A virtual retreat can provide a sense of community and allow time away from what is stressful to nurture ourselves.  I will be emailing a survey to many of you to hear your voice, to determine how to stretch forward in a safe, virtual world.  We have strayed off the path for a short time, but life is still worth celebrating.  We start by taking baby steps.  

Stretching Forward

never backward

looking at where I am today

and hoping for a better tomorrow

Grateful for today

with the sun and flowers

Hopeful for tomorrow

keeping the faith until then

One moment at a time

Stretching Forward


Honoring Nurses Stretching Forward

Today is May 12, Nurses’ Day all over the world, celebrated on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale this year.  The World Health Organization (WHO) designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse, “in recognition of the contributions they make, and the risks associated with nursing shortages.”    The day is meant to highlight the importance of nurses in the healthcare continuum and thank nurses for what they do. The theme this year is “Nursing the World to Health.” From the WHO:  “Historically, as well as today, nurses are at the forefront of fighting epidemics and pandemics -  providing high quality and respectful treatment and care. They are often the first and sometimes the only health professional that people see and the quality of their initial assessment, care and treatment is vital.  Nurses account for more than half of all the world’s health workers, yet there is an urgent shortage of nurses worldwide with 5.9 million more nurses still needed, especially in low- and middle-income countries.”

As a retired registered nurse, I dealt with many public health issues throughout my career. As I stay home and stay safe during this pandemic, I honor those nurses working today. Front line health workers are special people who stretch forward to care for us even when an unknown pandemic hits. We must believe that a tomorrow will arrive that brings a treatment, vaccine or cure for Covid-19. Until then, know that nurses like the ones I have been proud to work with and train are on the frontline. They are making assessments, providing medications, oxygen, nourishment, and treatments to their patients. They hold hands and provide loving comfort when family is not allowed in. If you know a nurse, take a moment to write them an email, letter, or text today, to let them know you are with them, that you see them stretching forward every day.

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale

May Day

Today is May Day. When I was a child, I spent time each May 1 finding flowers in my parent’s yard that I would tie with a pretty ribbon and leave on a neighbor’s doorstep, then ring the bell and run away. I felt happy knowing that I brightened someone’s day. One of the purposes of May Day has been to celebrate a change of season. We recognized the first day of spring in April, but in Ohio our weather doesn’t always reflect that. May 1 usually brings a little more sunshine. As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers.” The trees and bulbs have been beautiful in the last couple of weeks as they have awakened from a long winter. Today, Ohio went from “Stay at Home Ohio” to “Stay Safe Ohio,” starting to stretch forward. Ohio is opening the economy while still using social distance, masks, and learning new ways to taking care of one another. Many people are finding boredom and tedium during this pandemic. Others have found new ways to connect with the people they love and care about. What I have learned is to take each day one at a time. To be patient with ourselves and with others. To not judge other people’s choices and to feel comfortable with our own choices. I am reminded of a wonderful essay by Charles Swindoll, entitled “Attitude.” I am including excerpts from the essay. Let’s make May Day a beginning of the new future ahead for all of us as we continue as unfinished women, stretching forward to embrace life.

“ The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.  it is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. 

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.  It will make or break a company … a church … a home.  The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.  The only thing we can do is play the one string we have, and that is our attitude … I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. 

And so it is with you … we are in charge of our attitude.”



This past weekend was to have been the April 2020 retreat at Idlewyld B&B in Lakeside, Ohio. Due to the pandemic, the event was cancelled, but thanks to 21st century technology, seven of us were able to meet and have a couple of hours together via Zoom. My husband is always up on the latest technology so he encouraged me to try it. We met on Friday for just over an hour and then again on Saturday. It wasn’t the same as being at Lakeside, but it was a connection. We felt a kinship and common bond. We listened to each other, respected each other’s feelings, and for the moment, didn’t feel alone. I now have a face to put with each woman and will appreciate even more when we are able to retreat together.

I am very grateful to be alive today, pandemic or not, at a time when we can see and hear each other over the internet. I am grateful for a warm home, food to eat, eyes to read, ears to hear music, and eyes to see flowers blooming everywhere, reminding us spring comes no matter what. I am also grateful to have electricity for the internet that allows me to see and connect with so many of you, my family, and my friends.

I have added a music track below from a singer/songwriter who performed at Lakeside’s Hoover Auditorium two summers ago. It seems so appropriate now. I added it to Stretching Forward Retreats FaceBook page but for those of you not on FaceBook, I wanted you to hear it also. Take time to listen and then, take a few minutes to think about what you are grateful for in the last week. You may be surprised at how much you have to be thankful for. Stay safe and keep stretching.


Peace and Love

When I was growing up in the 60s and 70s, the Peace sign was everywhere and Love was in the air. My generation believed that they could solve everything. I graduated from high school in 1970 in a quiet little New Jersey town, leaving for the University of Maryland that fall, where the world opened up for me. I wasn’t aware of how those two words defined my generation. I was never really part of the “movement” but thought that peace and love were meaningful, the signs that were made pretty, and hoped maybe our generation could make a difference in the world. I watched the campus protests against the war, dealt with the campus curfews every evening, and saw 20 somethings unafraid to speak their minds. Top ten songs included “Bridge over Troubled Water” and “Let it Be” and “Who’ll Stop the Rain,” songs that had meaning in their words.

Fast forward to today, and we then 20 somethings are now in our 60s and 70s. We still want to be heard, we still fear the unknown, and we still hope for justice in the world. As we continue to stretch forward we need to remember that hope. We need to look for what is good in our world and embrace it. We need to stay home and stay safe. My husband and I take a walk each day and he is patient as I stop to take pictures of the trees and flowers that change every day as we see nature demonstrating that life goes on. We can and will bloom during this pandemic as we continue to look for peace and love. I remember the song, “Turn, Turn, Turn,” by the Byrds, written by Pete Seeger. It reminds us “to everything there is a season…” Be 20 again, take the trust you had then, embrace it, and keep stretching forward. Peace and love are still here.

photo attributed to Vecteezy.com

photo attributed to Vecteezy.com

April is Here

Welcome to April, the time in Ohio for the flowers to burst into bloom, trees bud, birds sing and we start leaving our cocoons to be part of the beauty of nature. Warmer weather cannot come soon enough this year. It is time for us to stretch our bodies, and allow our minds to wander and marvel at the beauty all around us. In this time of corona virus, anything to keep our minds and bodies active and positive is welcome. In Ohio we are fortunate to have Mike DeWine and Amy Acton working on our behalf, but even so, this is a very stressful time. Instead of looking at what we cannot do, we are better served looking at what we can do, stretching our minds forward, and enjoying today. The excerpts from the following poem remind us of the value of today. Make the best of each day in this unfinished world we live in.

A NEW DAY  by  Heartsill Wilson

This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been given this day to use as I will.

I can waste it, or use it.
I can make it a day long to be remembered for its joy,
its beauty and its achievements,
or it can be filled with worry and concern.

What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever,
but I shall hold something which I have traded for it.

It may be no more than a memory,
but if it is a worthy one I shall not regret the price.


The Way It Is

I hope this finds you learning the joys of quietness and time. In our busy world, we often don’t take the time to look at what is happening around us. My husband and I have been taking daily walks, sometimes two a day. It is a great time to walk around the block as spring is coming to life. Every day I notice the change in jonquils, crocuses, budding trees, and greening grass. Sometimes I stop to take a picture of what is new. I smell the air, listen to the birds, watch the robins, and am thankful for what is good. I still look at the news once or twice a day to stay informed, but not to obsess about the statistics. There is so much to be thankful for in our lives.

It is difficult to have everything cancelled. Even so, it is prudent to stay safe. Today, I made the decision to cancel the April retreat. I have so looked forward to meeting the women who have been planning to attend and hope they are able to reschedule a later date. Stretching forward is important right now, to believe this will be over and we will go back to our “normal.” Hopefully it will be a new normal, one where we continue to see the flowers blooming, take time to call our parents and children, read those books on our nightstands, find new ways to do things, learn new recipes, take an online course, organize our homes. Patience will allow us the calm to get there. Stay the course. Consider joining us in September as we Stretch Forward at Lakeside, where the world slows down and we take time to breathe. You deserve it.


The March Wind

I wrote this on March 4 and forgot to add to the blog. So I decided to add to the post instead of having this post be only about Covid-19.

March arrived and the most recent newsletter was emailed to our mailing list and posted on this website. I returned home March 3 from visiting my mother in Austin, Texas. The weather was very different from Cleveland. I was able to take a walk almost every day in sunshine with 60-70 degree temperatures. The last day I was there a March wind blew me along on my walk with its strong gusts. I flew through Chicago on my way home and found winds there too, making a bumpy landing and a more difficult take off on my way back home. When my husband picked me up at the Cleveland airport he told me of a wind burst that lasted about 5-10 minutes just before he left for the airport. He had been concerned about our plane landing. Wind is everywhere this time of year, changing everything. Winds come in the spring to help clear away the clutter of winter, taking with it the dried leaves and branches allowing new growth to appear and thrive. It is time for plants to sprout. It’s time for us too. We’ve been hibernating all winter waiting for our time to bloom.

We may have to wait a little longer now, but make this time count. There are so many things we all say we don’t have time to do in our “normal” world. Maybe we can take the time now. Clean out the closets, organize the photos, make piles to donate when this is all over, read the books on your nightstand, find your creative side - whether painting, drawing, sewing, and so on. Glue the broken kitchen chair, start a journal of this time in history, FaceTime our children and grandchildren. This isolation and slowing down will pass and become a footnote in history just like the 1918 Spanish flu. And life will become more hectic. Every day is still a day of our lives that matters. Don’t give any of them away. Stay strong and keep in touch.


Love is a Circle

We are half way through February. Spring is getting closer. Valentine’s Day just passed. Were you good to yourself for that day of love? Were you kind, patient, and understanding of who you are today? Have you learned to appreciate silence and just be? A friend invited me to attend a Spirituali-Tea today as her guest. The presentation was given by Sister Rita Petruziello, CSJ, one of the founders of Rivers Edge on the west side of Cleveland. She spoke on the importance of love, how we love each other, and the need to love ourselves. She spoke on the benefit of silence in our daily lives. It allows us to just be. To rest, reconnect with ourselves, to help us be creative. She also spoke of how in 2016 she started the Circle the City with Love movement in Cleveland. The movement’s mission is “to stand together holding hands in silence and embodying the power of LOVE that brings healing, peace, and justice to our world.” Once a year for four years, men and women have stood on the Hope Bridge in silence for 30 minutes. What a moving experience, to be in silence. It allows the busyness and chatter of our life to melt away and allows love to seep in. Consider being open to a chance to replenish your gifts, to feel the joy we deserve. Give yourself the same care you give your loved ones. Take time daily to just be, to be silent, to listen, to breathe.
